Master's of law
Program Description :Master’s of Law _Comprehensive 1. General Rules and Conditions: 1. This plan Conforms to the valid regulations of the programs of graduate studies . 2. Areas of specialty for admission to this program: - Holders of the Bachelor’s Degree in law. 2. B. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: -Passing the Proficiency Exam in English Language 3. Syllabus: 1. Obligatory Courses (24 credit hours) . 2. Elective Courses (9 credit hours) 3. A Comprehensive Exam (1002798) Master’s of Law _(Thesis) 1. General Rules and Conditions: 1. This plan Conforms to the valid regulations of the programs of graduate studies . 2. Areas of specialty for admission to this program: - Holders of the Bachelor’s Degree in law. 2. B. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: -Passing the Proficiency Exam in English Language 3. Syllabus: 1. Obligatory Courses (18 credit hours) . 2. Elective Courses (9 credit hours) 3. Thesis (1002799) (9 credit hours)
Program Type :Postgraduate
Study Plan :Click Here
Program Department :Public Law